NextOfKin Creatives

Skin Bare.

Intense Pulse Light (IPL) Hair Removal

Glide and Stamp Treatment Modes

SmoothSkin Bare offers dual treatment modes, making it ideal for small and large areas.

In Glide Mode, just hold down the activation button and continuously glide along your skin between each flash – perfect to quickly treat large areas, such as the legs. Stamp Mode is recommended for smaller delicate areas, such as the bikini line – simply place the device on your skin each time you flash for maximum precision.


The final design result was a seamless capsule form factor capable of 360° air output delivery, wider yet thinner for a harmonious integration into any living space. We kept the form design as immaculate and as pure as possible, ensuring a elegant simple silhouette with absolute quality build and finish. Refining throughout the process with the consumer in mind.


What we did

Visual Language
Product Design
Colours Material Finishes

Coming up next

Hegen Launch Campaign.
